Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management (UK) Ltd.
Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management (UK) Ltd.
Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management (UK) Ltd.


MUFG AM’s vision “Investing for our Sustainable Future” underpins its approach to investment and stewardship. At MUFG AM, we believe that sustainable investing involves building a better society for future generations by focusing on the medium to long-term impacts of investments on the environment and society, instead of pursuing short-term profits. Over the longer term and in aggregate, our interests and those of our clients converge with the interests of our investee companies. We share a purpose in contributing to the health and wealth of economies, societies and the environment.

MUFG AM believes that good stewardship involves managing risks, identifying opportunities and building trusting relationships with investee companies and other entities to promote long-term sustainable wealth creation, in alignment with our fiduciary duty as a steward of client capital. Engagement is a key element of our approach to stewardship and is important in understanding the risks and opportunities that are material to the companies in which MUFG AM invests on behalf of its clients, including those regarding sustainability-related topics and other longer-term themes.

Our Vision

Investing for our Sustainable Future
MUFG AM Sustainable Investment
MUFG AM Sustainable Investment Policy Adoption
Identifying “Significant ESG Issues”
Promoting Sustainable Investment in collaboration with MUFG AM


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Number of voting agendas (Global stocks)*1 (July 2023 to June 2024)

Stewardship Code

MUFG AM Sustainable Investment endorses Japan’s Stewardship Code


Number of voting agendas (Japanese domestic stocks)*1 (July 2023 to June 2024)



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*1 please refer to the Stewardship Activity Report for information regarding Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking's exercise of voting rights (available in Japanese only)

MUFG AM (UK) as the European based asset management arm of MUFG AM

The way we approach ESG issues when selecting companies for investment is threefold and comprises of direct company liaison, select negative screening and fundamental research:

Company Engagement

During meetings with management, or other such company contact, MUFG AM (UK) will raise, as appropriate, aspects of ESG that are viewed as both relevant and material to the issuer.

Confirmation that relevant ESG issues were raised with management, where deemed appropriate, will be recorded as part of MUFG AM (UK)’s ongoing tracking of all Issuer contact.


Negative Screening

The investment universe will be restricted by negative screen on an automated basis within our Order Management System. The filter will exclude companies engaged in activities considered inconsistent with MUFG AM Responsible Investment Policy (including but not limited to the production of landmines, cluster munitions and biological / chemical weapons).


Fundamental Research

Analysis is undertaken to identify the underlying factors that affect the wellbeing of industry groups and companies. Specific attention is placed on the sensitivity of such factors and their direction of change. The analysis is part of the holistic investment process that includes financial metrics and economic analysis.


No consideration of sustainability adverse impacts

In order to measure the accurate and meaningful adverse sustainability impacts, MUFG AM (UK) believes it is essential to have access to a standardised measurement of sustainability factors.
MUFG AM (UK) intends to consider such adverse impacts of our investment process, when standardised measurement of those factors are available.

MUFG AM Sustainable Investment’s Stewardship Activities

Participation in Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative

In November 2021, MUFG AM has joined the “Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM)”, a global initiative for asset managers, and expressed its commitment to achieving Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050 or sooner. We are hereby pleased to announce that interim targets have been set for 2030 Net Zero GHG emissions.

Click for details of our UCITS SICAV Fund Range including Factsheets, KIIDs and Prospectus